Rev. Ekse

Rev.Jakob Jakobson Ekse
In the paper Vossingen nr. 4 1923 you can read:
Pastor J. J. Ekse from America preached Sunday, August 19, in the Evanger Church, in which he was baptized. On Sunday, September 2, he preached in Nesheim’s Chapel, Eksingedalen.

This article is an unchanged copy from New though are the additional data at the end, as sources, the geographical maps, and the family maps, although these are so far a bit un-complete.

Jakob Jakobson Ekse b. April 27 1860, emigrated in 1882. He left April 21 1882 from Bergen 22 years and unmarried cotter, with “Allan Line”. His sister Dortea was gong with him.
In America Jakob studied from 1883 to 87 at Red Wing Collage and Seminar, and then become a minister in Ft. Ranson, North Dacota until 1896. Since, he has been called to Henrichs, Minnesota. From 1907, he was vice president for Hauge’s Synod.
In 1889, he married Inger Sorenson b. 1862, and they had a farm in Henrichs. The wife’s family came from Luster in Sogn, Norway.
In the 1900 census livs Rev. Jakob Exe and Inger Exe (b. in Main) in Lake Hendrichs, Brookings, South Dakota, together with the children Justin b. 1891 (born in North Dakota), Josephga (?) b. 1893, Ida b. 1895 and Ingvald b. 1897.
Jakob visited his home-country Norway in 1923 at the Voss 900 anniversary, whic could be read about in the immegration-paper Vossingen nr. 2-3 1923. We find his return with Stavangerfjord from Bergen September 14 1923 as Mr. Reverend Jacob J Exe, pastor in America, is going to Hendricks Minnesota, is “US-citizen”, and “Has been home on a visit”. He arrived Ellis Islan New York September 25.
In the 1930 census Jakob and Inger Ekse lived together with their daughter Ida in Lake Hendrichs. Their son Justin married to Rose H Ekse, b. 1887 in Minnesota, also lives in the same household, together with children Adelin b. 1921 og James b. 1924.

Additional data:

Some maps of Jakobsen Holmestrand in America will appear here.

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Ancestors of Jakob Jakobsen Ekse

Nils Jonson Ekse
1800 - 1874
Descendants of Jakob and Inger

Descendants of Jakob & siblings

Jakob Nilson Ekse b: 1820 d: 1913
Gjertrud Larsdotter Nesheim b: 1821 d: 1906
Ingvald Ekse b: 1901
Ingeborg Jakobsdotter Ekse b: 1846 d: 1878
Dortea Jakobsdotter Ekse b: 1857 d: 1941
Kristian Nelson b: 23 FEB 1859 d: 28 JUL 1944
Clara Malena Nelson b: 1901 d: 1994
Earl McKinly Wohlhueter b: 1896 d: 1978
Brita Jakobsdotter Ekse b: 1853 d: 1853
Ragnhild Jakobsdotter Ekse b: 1850 d: 1931
Nils Jakobson Ekse b: 1847 d: 1870
Lars Jakobson Ekse b: 1849 d: 1937
Anna Hanson b: 1854
Cornelia Carg b: 1887
Berta Nilsdotter Ekse b: 2 AUG 1909 d: 17 FEB 1992
Brita Johannesdotter Straume b: 1864 d: 1888
Torkild Jonson Gullbrå b: OCT 1846 d: 1 MAR 1929
Tilda Torkelsdotter Gullbrå b: 1899 d: 1970
Carl Gildseth b: 4 MAY 1893 d: JUL 1966
Leland Gildseth b: 24 NOV 1924 d: 1 FEB 1998
Carla Strunk b: 1968 d: 1968


Immigration-paper Vossingen nr. 2-3, and nr. 4, 1923
The 1900 US Census
The 1930 US Census.

A note:
The local history-book Evangerboka bind I tells: “Jakob, b. 1860, emigrated to USA in 1882. Educated as a pastor, farmer in Hendrich, Minnesota. Married in 1889 to Inger Soerum. Her ancesters was from Luster in Sogn, Norway (Rene p. 797).”
I find no farm in Lake Hendrich Township, Brookings County, Soth Dakota belonging to Ekse or Exe. And as a littel bit confusing I find Jakob returning from a visit to Norway in 1923 telling the return address is Hendrich, Minnesota. Lake Hendricks Township SD is neighbor to Hendricks Township, Lincoln County, Minnesota. No farm belonging to Ekse or Exe there either.
In the 1910 cencus the occupation is “preacher” and “minister”, and the “farm/house” field is set to “house” and “rented”. The neighbor
before in the census: Albert Nilson and Henry B Thompson, next: Carl J Hanson and Anna Knutson.
In the 1920 census is occupation “Clergyman” in “Rural Clergy”, living: “Wage or Salery”, and house-number field: “Farm”. Neighbours in the column after: Arnt Hanson.
In the censuses the address is Lake Hendrichs SD.

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