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118 entries.
Frank Helge Ulevik wrote on 26. september 2006 at 23:09
kjempeflott side med masse opplysninger og mange flotte bilder,du har gjort ein kjempejobb! Frank
Richard Arthur Oksendahl wrote on 24. september 2006 at 8:30
Grandson of Andrew Oksendahl, Rugby, Pierce County, North Dakota, USA
jaye harrington wrote on 21. september 2006 at 0:26
My brother John Hamilton just sent your guest book address. I live in the Seattle, Washington area (Northwest U.S.A) I go by Jaye but my given name was Judy or Judith, grandpa Oksendaht always pronounces it Yudy.
Growing up I thought I was 100% Norwegian. Mother spoke some Norwegian and baked the Norwegian cookies, christmas bread and lefse. We had and still do to this day have Swedish meatballs every Christmas, they are a family favorite. Mom always served swedish meatballs and lutefisk. My husband teases me that he won't eat anything that turns the silverware black.
John Hamilton wrote on 17. september 2006 at 11:15
I am the grandson of Andrew Oksendahl. He was a pioneer and settled in Rugby, North Dakota in the 1880's.
I believe he is the older half brother of Nels Oksendahl who settled in Montana. I recall my grandfather brought over most of his family from Norway. If this is the same Nels, he has a daughter named Wilma.

(Originally added by John at Wed Sep 20 01:37:42 2006, but rejected by my guestbook-software because of the missing "Code" field.)

Som additions done by Kaare:
- From an email sendt to John:
As you surely already have done, you can read about your grandfather Andrew (Andreas in Norwegian), and about his younger half brother Nels (Nils in Norwegian), on the pages found at
emigration from Yksendal.
I hope I can add your "denied" guestbook enty to my guestbook.

- From John's answer: Yes, this Andrew Oksendahl, is my grandfather. I am the son of Selma Oksendahl, Andrew's daughter. I recognize all of the pictures of the North Dakota farm that are in your web site.
I will forward this to my siblings James Hamilton, Janice Gaston, Joan Clow and Judy Harrington. They will enjoy your web site.
You may include my e-mails in your guest book
Travis Traefald wrote on 16. september 2006 at 15:54
I was wondering if Traefald and Trefall could be related.
Yvonne Trushenski wrote on 12. august 2006 at 2:54
Hi, I am a granddaughter of Ingeborg (Lindbo) Olson who lived in northern MN. Marna Dahl was my first cousin. My husband, Clarence, is a retired engineer. We and our three married children also live in Billings. I'd like to begin updating our Slektsbok which your father and Marna worked on. We'd enjoy hearing from you. Distant cousin, Yvonne
Kjartan Gullbrå wrote on 9. mai 2006 at 16:54
Flott og larerik side du har.
Eg sit i no i Lhasa, Tibet, og slit med ei maksin med berre kinesisk WinXP. Droymer meg \bort etter a ha sett bileta fra din skitur til Kvitanosi. Fjella her i Himlalaya er rett nok hoge, men ingenting er\ som ein Skitur til Kvitanosi uansett.
fosse jan wrote on 21. april 2006 at 13:39
takk for interessange opplysninger
håkon trefall wrote on 18. april 2006 at 18:08
kul side om trefall
Vidar wrote on 27. mars 2006 at 19:33
Kjempebra sider. Har lest alt jeg kan finne om flyvraket som min svigerfar Louis Ekse har fortalt om. Håper å ta turen opp dit i sommer. Interessant å lese om både plassen og menneskene som bor/bodde her! Har vært i Eksingedalen en gang, og det er et nydelig stykke Norge!
Vidar Mæland
patrick wrote on 27. mars 2006 at 17:36
kul hjeme side
om trefall(:
hilsen patrick trefall
Kåre Ekse wrote on 26. februar 2006 at 17:33
Har mange fine minner fra Ekse.Artig å lese om historier fra før min tid.Lengter tilbake.Mange år siden sistJeg var på Ekse.Jeg er barnebarn av Lars og Bertina Ekse.
Reidar Trefall wrote on 20. februar 2006 at 15:06
Sjekket siden i dag 20.februar 2006 og ser at det er kommet nytt stoff. Utvandring fra Eksingedalen fikk jeg inn med morsmelken, men far sa alltid at de gamle slektningene reise til Amerika og på gården hørte de ikke noe mer. Jeg ser frem til å få flere historier fra en tid som må ha vært vanskelig. Med hilsen Reidar
Håkon Trefall wrote on 15. februar 2006 at 17:51
Hei, god side! Min far er sønn til Reidar Trefall.
Det er en stund siden eg var i Eksingdalen, det er et veldig fint sted!
Christian Haugland wrote on 5. februar 2006 at 0:51
Har hytte på Nesheim og er ofte innom hjemmesiden og synes det er interessant stoff som legges ut.
Sue Driessen wrote on 26. januar 2006 at 19:40
You have created a wonderful web site!
Anne Margrete Eikefet wrote on 4. januar 2006 at 22:57
Dette er ei kjempe flott side, mykje intresant å lese. Flotte bilder frå
stølane. Gler me til å lesa meir om utvandring og historie frå dalen.
Eric Oksendahl wrote on 3. januar 2006 at 19:02
I've visited this region that my grandfather (Nels H Oksendahl) came from with my wife (Elaine) and my youngest son (Jonathan Eric Oksendahl) in 2003. Absolutely beautiful part of the world.
We live in Port Orchard, Washington and travel each day by ferry to work in Seattle, Washington (I work at Boeing, my wife is a hospital adminstrator and our youngest son attends grade school). Hans Andrew Oksendahl is our oldest son who lives in West Seattle; a daughter, Prairie Windsong Oksendahl, lives in Olympia, Washington; and oldest daughter, Heidi Lemuria Beyer, lives in Rhode Island and just gave birth to the next generation, Hannah Lemuria Beyer born Dec. 4th 2005.

My youngest brother, Peter Oksendahl, commutes on the ferry with as well, he and his wife Nola and daughter Ariel live close by us in Port Orchard. His oldest daughter Lorelei, husband Larry Newman and son Trace live in Seattle.
Torleiv Brørvik wrote on 2. januar 2006 at 16:28
Mange flotte bilder.Har hatt mange turer på vinteren, men aldri sommerstid. Men det skal vi ta igjen. Helsing utflytta Eksingedøl
LeRoy Oksendahl wrote on 21. desember 2005 at 17:50
I am Nels LeRopy Oksendahl son of Nels H Oksendahl who left Norway in 1905 he was the 7th son and the 13th child of Herloug Oksendahl. I have 10 children living, all in the USA
My wife, Betty, died July 31 of this year. We had 12 children two of whom died in infancy. I am retired and live in Billings I am 77 years old.